
The heating element, an essential component of our everyday lives but rarely seen, is a remarkable invention that has influenced how most things work in the twenty-first century. In this blog article, we’ll look at how heating elements work and their material construction.

What is a Heating Element?

Heating elements use electrical resistance to turn electricity into heat energy. When an electric current travels through the heating element, the resistive substance, such as nichrome, opposes the current, causing heat to be generated. This mechanism is referred to as the Joule heating effect.

The Joule heating effect happens when electrons pass through a resistive material and collide with the atoms or ions within it. These collisions cause the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy, which generates heat. The more collisions occur, the more heat is produced.

The heat generated by the heating element is transported to the surrounding environment or the item being heated by conduction, convection, or radiation, depending on the heating system and application.

Heating components come in a variety of styles to suit different uses. Common kinds include;

  • coil or wire-based elements
  • ceramic elements
  • tube elements. 

Each variety has distinct traits and benefits, making them appropriate for various applications.

What materials are utilized in heating elements?

The most widely utilized materials include nickel-chromium alloy, iron-chromium-aluminum alloy, molybdenum silicide, and silicon carbide, all of which are resistant to oxidation and suited for high-temperature applications. Graphite, molybdenum, tungsten, and tantalum belong to another group. These materials oxidize easily at high temperatures, hence they are normally employed exclusively in vacuum conditions or furnaces with an oxygen-free atmosphere.

Different Types of Heating Elements 

Air Process Heaters

As the name implies, this sort of heater is used to heat moving air. Air process heaters are generally heated tubes or pipes with one end for entering cold air and the other for releasing hot air. 

Cartridge Heaters

They are utilized in many industries such as food, plastic, packing, medicines, dies and molds, gas and liquid heating, shoe machines, and labeling. 

Tubular heaters

These are mostly used for industrial heating. They are used to heat liquids, solids, and gases using three methods: conduction, convection, and radiation. Tubular heaters are utilized for multifunctional heating applications. 

Space heaters

They are used within electrical and mechanical equipment enclosures to regulate temperature and reduce moisture. This is a compact and portable heating appliance. 


To summarize, heating elements work on the concepts of electrical resistance and the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy. Understanding these principles allows us to grasp the intriguing science underlying heating components. Heating units have become necessary in our daily lives, whether they are used to cook our favorite foods or to keep us warm on cold days.

When working with heating units, it is critical to prioritize safety. At Shiva Heaters, we design heating elements to withstand the heat they create, and we include insulation or protective measures to avoid direct contact with the hot element. These safety precautions safeguard users and avoid unintentional burns or electrical risks.

Shiva Heater