
Heating plays an important role in every sector. Heat is required for mixing two fluids, integrating two substances, or converting a strong material to a liquid. Large industrial heaters are essential while producing and assembling items. Each sector requires a unique way of collaborating across plants and locations. 

Here’s a look at four basic industrial heaters outfitted with high-quality industrial heating components.

Circulation Heaters

Circulation or inline heaters also employ flanged immersion frameworks. These industrial heaters are used to heat fluids such as: Heavy fuels, Oils, Superheated water, and Water-like fluids and fuel oil.

These industrial heaters may also be used to thermally heat gases such as hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen to the necessary temperature. These types of industrial heaters have a siphon that directs the fluid via a closed warmed pipe circuit. 

When the fluid enters the line, it generates heat before exiting out the spout. Wattages vary depending on the substance. These heaters are used in several key sectors, including: Examples of industries include petrochemicals, thermal energy, and oil & gas.

Screw Plug Heaters

Screw plug heaters are often used by manufacturers in a variety of industries for medium-sized applications. These industrial heaters are a type of immersion heater that is incredibly popular due to its unparalleled versatility and simplicity of installation. 

These heaters, manufactured by standard and oil immersion heater firms in India, are basic devices for warming up solutions in smaller containers and require controls. Screw plug heaters have uses in the following areas:

Industries covered include chemical, food and beverage, and HVAC systems.

Typical uses include water heating, fluid protection against freezing, and heating process air. These heaters are available in a variety of operating voltages, power ratings, temperature ratings, sheath materials, and a vast number of elements.

Flanged Heaters

Flanged heaters are widely used in sectors such as chemical, petroleum, and wastewater treatment. These heaters often have an ANSI-rated flange, as well as additional hairpin or cornet cylindrical components that extend from the front of the rib. This is a type of electric drenching heater that delivers direct heat to the fluid medium.

These heaters allow for the use of a variety of chemicals to help prevent corrosion and extend the life of the flanged heating element. Steel flanges are commonly used for lubricants, heavy and light oils, waxes, corrosive fluids, and low-stream gas heating. Steel flanges can also be found in immersion heaters for water tanks, as well as in many other applications.

Over-the-side Heaters

These industrial heaters have been exceedingly popular from the start due to their economic uses. These heaters have a water-resistant body and come in a variety of forms and sizes to ensure a proper fit in the tank. 

Nowadays, several leading industrial heater manufacturers can custom create over-the-side scepter tank steam heaters to heat any type of container. These heaters’ adaptability make them an excellent choice for working with a variety of containers, regardless of size. These are the appropriate industrial heaters for low-cost units.

Here are Top Methods of Heat Transmission in Industrial Heaters

Convective Method

Convective heat transfer occurs when heat travels as a result of the movement of a liquid (such as a fluid or gas). There are two main forms of convection: free convection and confined convection. 

Radiant Method

Radiant heat transfer is the transport of heat via electromagnetic waves. Objects with temperatures above absolute zero emit thermal energy due to random motion of their particles. Thermal power is transferred via electromagnetic waves that radiate from the item. 

Conductive Method

Conductive heat transfer is the most commonly accepted method of heat transmission for solids. When a solid is heated with a conductive strong heater, the minute molecules (or particles) that make up the material begin to heat up and consequently vibrate faster. The energy from the vibrations is transferred to adjacent iotas, which begin to get sultrier as well. Solids are often heated by conduction because they have a thick, dense subatomic structure.

Key Takeaways

Shiva Heaters is a manufacturer and supplier of high-quality industrial heaters. We have built a strong reputation for every product it produces, including immersion heaters, heating elements, and more.

Shiva Heater