
Cartridge heater is a useful industrial heating device that is used to insert in the drill holes. These types of heaters can give you accurate heating as per the selected temperature of your choice and the temperature that is a part of the industrial working. Buying such an important apparatus requires a strong consideration  before buying it as you are paying your hard earned money to the manufacturer. The blog is made to help those who are new to the device. Let’s understand this further.

Points you Need to Have in Mind for Cartridge Heater

Shape and Size

It’s the first thing that you need to keep in mind before acquiring a cartridge heater. You are required to check out the shape and size of the heater. You can find reliable and known Cartridge Heater Manufacturers that can make the right sized heaters for your business. They will even under size the heater for you so you can have the best results.  


The other thing you need to do is the length of the heater. You need to buy a heater that is as per your requirements and it can be fixed in the area where your operations are. The length of the heater will help you in the heating part and therefore it’s mandatory to keep this point in mind before having the apparatus. If you have a mould that’s six inches long, then the heater will fit easily inside the mould. The right supplier of heaters will provide you with the heaters having a length of between 1 to 96 inches. Select the heater as per your requirement and you are all sorted.

Areas Where you can use Cartridge Heater 

You can use the heaters in hot stamping, laminating presses, medical equipment, semiconductors, plastic moulding, scientific equipment, hot runner moulds, heating gases and more.

Take the Heater Today!

You can buy the heater from one of the leading Cartridge Heater Suppliers in India, i.e. Shiva Products. They have been working in the industry since 2011 and are a leading supplier that has numerous types of heater like electric, tank, chemical, u type finned and more. 

Act now and see their site to get their other products like immersion heater, cast heaters, Electric Heater, tubular heaters, thermocouples, ceramic band heater and more for your industrial works. Grow your industry today and have the best returns on your investments with a leading brand that is renowned for its products. 

Shiva Heater